A Letter from our Pastor

by Fr. Robert A. Fambrini, SJ  |  10/09/2022  |  From Fr. Fambrini

From a previously printed bulletin on August 18, 2019…A message from Fr. Bob Fambrini, SJ.

My personal reflection continues…

Unlike today when vocations to religious life normally are second careers, the vast majority of my novice classmates in 1967 were right out of high school.


A Message From Our Pastor

by Fr. Robert A. Fambrini, SJ  |  10/03/2022  |  From Fr. Fambrini

From a previously printed bulletin on August 11, 2019…

I am happy to continue a tradition here at St. Francis Xavier of submitting a weekly letter to the parishioners. This is a practice I am not used to; however, I welcome this new challenge. I thought that since I am new, I would spend my first few letters with autobiographical information, highlighting important moments in my life as a Jesuit (52 years) and as a priest (40 years).


Ministry and Financial Highlights

by Fr. Bob Fambrini, S.J.  |  09/26/2022  |  From Fr. Fambrini

Dear Parishioners and Friends,

There is life after death. Death is not the end but a door to something more. The gospel we read today shows us that there is one of two eternal destinations beyond that door.


A Letter from our Pastor

by Fr. Robert A. Fambrini, SJ  |  08/28/2022  |  From Fr. Fambrini

Recently I met with my Pastoral Council to discuss how we will move forward this Fall following up on the Synod feedback we got from many of you in the Spring. More than a few commented on the fact that they did not really expect anything to come from their sharing of cares and concerns. It is for this reason that I feel it is important that we make every effort to follow up on the suggestions and comments made.


Pro-Life in Words and Actions

by Fr. Robert A. Fambrini, SJ  |  07/03/2022  |  From Fr. Fambrini

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

I rejoice with pro-life advocates everywhere in light of the Supreme Court decision striking down Roe v. Wade. The snuffing out of human life in the womb highlights the culture of death which permeates our capitalistic culture. As Pope Francis is quick to remind us: if it doesn’t produce, it is disposable. I also rejoice as I see this as a great opportunity, a new beginning.


The Synod

by Fr. Bob Fambrini, S.J.  |  06/12/2022  |  From Fr. Fambrini

Several months ago, Pope Francis convoked the Synod on the Synod. There have been many such gatherings throughout the history of the church. This one would be different: the impetus would come not from the top down, but it would start by hearing first from the people of God. What are your hopes, your dreams, your fears for all of us as church who despite our different backgrounds and differences hold the same faith in Jesus Christ?


Happy Easter

by Fr. Robert A. Fambrini, SJ  |  04/17/2022  |  From Fr. Fambrini

A very Happy Easter to all of you! Remember two years ago when we hoped to celebrate Easter in person and that did not happen? It was one year ago on Palm Sunday when we reopened the church with a full schedule of Masses and many of you cautiously returned.


St. Oscar Romero - Feast Day March 24

03/20/2022  |  From Fr. Fambrini

Oscar Romero was born on the Feast of the Assumption, August 15, 1917, in Ciudad Barrios, a mountain village in El Salvador near the Honduran border. He was the second of seven children. Romero's father wanted him to be a carpenter and as a young man he showed considerable promise. But he felt a strong call to the priesthood and pursued that vocation.

Romero studied in Rome and was ordained to the priesthood in 1942. He became a parish priest and later a seminary rector. He recognized the effectiveness of radio as a means of evangelizing and convinced five radio stations to broadcast his homilies and pastoral reflections. He continued to rely on the electronic pulpit throughout the remainder of his life, making it a popular platform for his ministry.


Responding to a Call

by Fr. Robert Fambrini, SJ  |  11/14/2021  |  From Fr. Fambrini

I once got out of a traffic ticket because I remembered the altar boy’s first response to the priest in the traditional Latin Mass. It comes from Psalm 43: “I will unto the altar of God. To God, who gives joy to my youth.” That is how the Mass began: responding to a call to the altar. An altar call is a tradition in some Christian churches in which those who wish to make a new spiritual commitment to Jesus Christ are invited to come forward publicly. It is tempting to see this as something done only in Protestant churches and yet, for the past several weeks, we have been doing the very same thing in our communion procession. Now we all come to the altar to receive the Eucharist or a blessing. Our “Amen” affirms our belief in the real presence and a renewal of our own spiritual commitment to Jesus Christ. Today after the homily you will receive a special invitation to come to the altar to place your Stewardship Commitment card in a basket. Too often stewardship is seen only as a monetary contribution rather than a fuller service commitment of time and talent as well. It is for this reason that I am asking you to make this special trip to the altar today as a symbol of your love of and ongoing commitment to St. Francis Xavier parish and God



by Fr. Robert Fambrini, SJ  |  09/19/2021  |  From Fr. Fambrini

When I was Novice Director I would explain to my young (and not so young) charges that as Jesuits they will travel a lot and at the end of the day they may not remember if the bed was comfortable or if the meals were tasty, but they will certainly remember if they felt welcomed in a community of brothers they hardly knew.
