Current Protocols

by Father Robert Fambrini, S.J.   |  03/27/2020  |  From Fr. Fambrini

Dear Parishioners of the St. Francis Xavier Jesuit Faith Community,

As we start another day in this most unusual time, my prayers are with you, as are the prayers of the Phoenix Jesuit Community.

Some of you have asked about the enhanced protocols we’ve put in place and I am happy to share an overview:

  • Our maintenance crew is currently “deep cleaning” the church. Additionally, they are cleaning all of the chairs, tables and misc. items used for events held in Anderson Hall, the Courtyard and the CGS classrooms.
  • Most of the parish staff is working from home. If you need to speak with a staff member, see our website,, for their email address. If you don’t have a computer, please call the office: 602-279-9547. Please be patient with us as we too, formulate the best next steps to take.
  • The Marian Shop is temporarily closed. Katrina is working from home, as well, and will place special orders should they be requested.
  • Mr. Watson and the entire teaching community continue their effective oversight of distance learning for our students.
  • Our reception office remains open, 8 a.m. - 1 p.m., Monday - Thursday, and again on Saturday. The office is open for pick up/drop off of paperwork related to classes or sacrament prep, only.
  • If you happen to contribute to the support of the church using weekly envelopes, please mail or drop off your envelope at the Parish Center. If you contribute online, thank you. And, thank you for your continued gifts.
  • St. Vincent de Paul could use your donations, especially toilet paper and soap. You can drop off donations in the Parish Center reception office.

Please subscribe to our YouTube link. By subscribing, you can watch the streamed Mass each Sunday, and again, throughout the week. Updated links will be sent each week, until further notice.

Other sources for spiritual enrichment can be found locally on the Diocesan news channel AZTV7, Relevant Radio (AM 136), Facebook and other streaming services. And, of course, as our Jesuit community celebrates daily mass, we will keep you in our intentions.

I urge you to seek calm and solace during the coming days. Take the precious gift given to you -- time -- to pray, eat dinner together, read to your children, watch a sunrise or sunset, and bask in the quiet of your own thoughts. It is the Lenten season, our time of spiritual preparation. God has provided us an opportunity to create an intensified relationship with Him and those we love.

In Christ,

Fr. Bob Fambrini, S.J., Pastor