Divine Mercy

by Fr. Dan Sullivan, SJ  |  04/24/2022  |  From Fr. Dan Sullivan

Divine mercy is God’s refusal to leave us in our fallen condition. Jesus enters the “locked doors” of our hearts, banishing fear and sin and saying, “Peace be with you.”


Happy Easter

by Fr. Robert A. Fambrini, SJ  |  04/17/2022  |  From Fr. Fambrini

A very Happy Easter to all of you! Remember two years ago when we hoped to celebrate Easter in person and that did not happen? It was one year ago on Palm Sunday when we reopened the church with a full schedule of Masses and many of you cautiously returned.


Finding Passion in the Passion

by Fr. George Teodoro, S.J.  |  04/10/2022  |  From Fr. Teodoro

Passion is a funny word. It can mean so many things – excitement, warmth, desire, commitment, or deep emotion. It seems strange, then, that this also the name that we Catholics give to the arrest, trial, suffering, and death of our Lord Jesus Christ.


Reflect, Pray and Recognize

by Fr. Thomas Griffin, S.J.   |  04/03/2022  |  From Fr. Tom Griffin

A lot of people seem to have an odd curiosity with the failings of others. Some love to read about an unfaithful celebrity or a politician caught red-handed in a corrupt deal. Maybe we find ourselves gossiping about family, friends and neighbors. Often, we’re swift to offer harsh judgement. Perhaps we think that will help avoid any focus on our own mistakes.
