A Gospel Reflection
by Fr. Tom Griffin, SJ | 09/18/2022 | From Fr. Tom GriffinAs you may know, God is full of surprises! He surprised me two years ago when I was assigned to St. Francis Xavier parish. Now, He has surprised me again as I have been assigned to the Sacred Heart Jesuit Center in Los Gatos, California.
A Reflection
by Fr. Tom Griffin, SJ | 08/14/2022 | From Fr. Tom GriffinIn today’s gospel Jesus doesn’t sound anything like himself! The Jesus we know and love usually talks about love, peace, kindness and mercy. At the Last Supper, Jesus said that he was giving his peace to his disciples, a peace that the world could not give and that no one could take away. That is still the essence of Jesus.
A Gospel Reflection: The Ascension of The Lord
by Fr. Tom Griffin, SJ | 05/29/2022 | From Fr. Tom GriffinToday we celebrate the Ascension of our Lord, when Jesus returned to the right hand of the Father. He had completed his work here with us. He had done all that he could to let us know and feel God’s love for each of us, to teach us how to live with kindness and forgiveness for others, and to offer us the gift of eternal life with him.
A Gospel Reflection
by Fr. Tom Griffin, SJ | 05/01/2022 | From Fr. Tom GriffinToday’s gospel is a different sort of ‘fish story’. After the resurrection, the disciples were feeling a little lost. Jesus was no longer with them in the same way that he was before and they lost their enthusiasm for doing the good works they used to do with him. So, they went back to their old ways – they went fishing. Jesus knew that they needed some motivation so, although he no longer looked the same after the resurrection, he paid them a visit and made them breakfast. They recognized his presence.
Reflect, Pray and Recognize
by Fr. Thomas Griffin, S.J. | 04/03/2022 | From Fr. Tom GriffinA lot of people seem to have an odd curiosity with the failings of others. Some love to read about an unfaithful celebrity or a politician caught red-handed in a corrupt deal. Maybe we find ourselves gossiping about family, friends and neighbors. Often, we’re swift to offer harsh judgement. Perhaps we think that will help avoid any focus on our own mistakes.
The Wedding Feast at Cana
by Fr. Tom Griffin | 01/16/2022 | From Fr. Tom GriffinAt the wedding feast in Cana, the unthinkable happened – the host ran out of wine! Mary and Jesus were guests at the feast and Mary understood the host’s embarrassment. Jesus had not yet started his public ministry and needed a nudge from his mother to get involved. Mary quietly said to her son; ‘they have no more wine’. Like most of us, he couldn’t say ‘No’ to his mother! So, Jesus performed his first miracle by changing water into the finest wine anyone had ever tasted.
Filled with Joy
by Fr. Tom Griffin | 12/19/2021 | From Fr. Tom GriffinReady or not, Christmas is next weekend! Although we may be very busy this week with final decorating, shopping and food preparations, I hope that we can all take the time to prayerfully recognize that soon we will be celebrating the fact that Jesus is very much among us!
In today’s gospel, we heard that Mary, carrying the infant Jesus, hurried to visit her cousin, Elizabeth, who was also carrying a child, John the Baptist. When Mary arrived at her cousin’s home, the yet unborn John the Baptist leaped in Elizabeth’s womb, and Elizabeth herself was ‘filled with joy’! John leaped and Elizabeth was filled with joy because they recognized that they were in the presence of Jesus!
Ask Not What Others Can Do for You...
by Fr. Tom Griffin, S.J. | 10/10/2021 | From Fr. Tom GriffinA long time ago, President John F. Kennedy told the nation; “Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country”. That’s not unlike what Jesus tells his disciples, and us, today. Two disciples, James and John, ask the outlandish and outrageous favor of sitting at Jesus’ left and right hand, in glory, for all eternity! He gently reminds them that they have it all upside-down. Jesus Himself did not come seeking honor and glory, or to be served and treated like a king – nor should we. He came to wash the feet of his friends and endure the most horrific death so that we might share eternal life with Him.
Happy Birthday!
by Fr. Tom Griffin, S.J. | 05/23/2021 | From Fr. Tom GriffinHappy Birthday! It may not be your personal birthday, but today, the Feast of Pentecost, is often considered the birthday of our Church.
Why? Because Pentecost signifies the end of Jesus’ earthly work among us, and the beginning, the birth, of the disciples’ mission and of our mission – to carry on His ministry, with the help of the Holy Spirit, to all the world. Hence, today can be considered the birthday of our Church.
Doubting Thomas
by Fr. Tom Griffin, S.J. | 04/11/2021 | From Fr. Tom GriffinMay the Joy and Glory of Easter continue to fill you with great Peace and Hope!
In today’s gospel, the Risen Jesus returns to visit with his friends, his disciples, to help them to better understand what happened at the Easter Event and to better understand how He wanted them to move forward. His friends were astonished when they first saw Jesus and it took a few moments for them to truly recognize Him. When they did, they were filled with joy! He said, “Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, so I am sending you.” And then, He breathed the Holy Spirit upon them. He breathed upon them his love, strength and courage, all that they would need to continue His mission, for there was still much work to do!