
by Father Robert Fambrini, S.J.  |  09/20/2020  |  From Fr. Fambrini

Dear parishioners of St. Francis Xavier:

Every ten years our country is required by our constitution to count every person living in our country, not just citizens but everyone. This decennial count is essential as it determines our representation at all levels of government. Just as importantly, the census count also determines which federal funds flow back to our community. These funds (our tax dollars) provide for infrastructure, housing, the building of schools and hospitals, all vital components of our everyday lives.

I urge you to fill out the census form you received in the mail in March. It has never been easier to respond on your own, whether online, over the phone or by mail---all without having a census taker come to your door.


Let’s Get to Know Josh Condon

by Josh Condon  |  09/06/2020  |  From Josh Condon

Hello SFX Community!

It is without hesitation that I can say I have been abundantly blessed in being your new Director of Music & Liturgy. The past six weeks have been a whirlwind of exciting new adventures and challenges, but the staff has been incredibly welcoming and supportive—everything a new employee could have asked for! My wife Lexy and I are both very grateful to all of you for your kindness in making us feel right at home. While you may now be acquainted with us through our music, Fr. Bob asked me to use this space to talk a bit about my background, so here we go.

Originally born right outside of Boston, MA, I am the oldest of eight children and spent most of my life growing up in western New York. For 23 years, my father served as a Pastoral Administrator in two Catholic parishes (serving as head of the parish in lieu of a priest pastor) in the Diocese of Rochester, being ordained to the Permanent Deaconate in 2000. Since beginning piano studies at age 6, I had the privilege of starting to play for liturgies in my very early teen years, and over the years moved from pianist in the youth group ensemble to adult choir accompanist; eventually becoming the sole music director for the parish in my undergraduate college years.


Let’s Get to Know Katrina Winn

by Katrina Winn  |  09/01/2020  |  From Katrina Winn

At the time of writing this, it has been almost one year since I came to St. Francis Xavier parish here in Phoenix. I have lived in the Valley for the past 20-odd years, having moved here from Virginia when I was nine: just old enough to remember what it's like to have a true winter! I'm a cradle Catholic, and I even attended Catholic school back east before switching to public school when we moved to Arizona.

I drifted away from the Church in high school, and attended Arizona State University where I majored in Marketing, fully intending to continue on to law school. However, the summer before the last year of college, I was asked to start volunteering with the high school youth program at my home parish in Gilbert. This changed my life plan entirely as I found myself drawn to ministry despite my best efforts to resist it. It was during this time that I first encountered St. Ignatius, the Spiritual Exercises, and the Jesuits.
