Job Lucks Out

by Fr. George Wanser, S.J.  |  02/07/2021  |  From Fr. Wanser

Today’s reading from Job gives me great consolation. Job praised the Lord when things were going right, but the angels were testing Job to see if his faith would hold up under hardship. Eventually, Job loses everything but his faith.

Our Parish, our country, the whole world is suffering from tremendous loss. We are all grieving from the effects of the pandemic. Rosaries, funerals, gravesides, isolation from loved ones and friends have been taking a tremendous toll. Many are anxious, depressed, edgy. Some are hopeless.

Perhaps we can find consolation in the life of Job. Job lost everything, but he kept his faith in the Lord. May our faith sustain us in desolation and give us hope for life eternal.

Oh yeah, check out how it turned out for Job (Epilogue Job 42:9-17). Spoiler alert: Job lucked out.